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2025 Amateur's Golf Outing.
Support the Spina Bifida Clinic at Cincinnati Children's Hospital

Defying All Odds Together: Jake and Krista Brodbeck's Story and Mission


In October of 2024, my wife, Krista, and I went for what we expected to be a routine 20-week ultrasound for our second child. We were excited, nervous, and full of the anticipation that comes with seeing our baby grow. However, what began as a typical appointment soon turned into something we could never have expected.


After the ultrasound, the technician guided us down the hall to meet with the doctor. As we sat waiting, an unsettling feeling began to grow, the seconds stretching into what felt like hours. Finally, the doctor entered and delivered news that no parent ever wants to hear.

“I am very concerned with what I’m seeing and need to send you to the hospital for further testing.”


In shock, and with little time to ask questions, we followed the doctor's orders and went straight to the hospital. Hours of tests passed, each moment more difficult than the last. Finally, we received the diagnosis: Myelomingocele, the most severe form of Spina Bifida. 


Spina Bifida is a birth defect where the spine and spinal cord don’t develop properly; oftentimes, this can lead to a range of physical and sometimes intellectual challenges. It was a diagnosis that shook us to our core. But in the face of this overwhelming news, we turned to our faith. We believe that God has a plan for everything, and while we don’t understand all the reasons, we trust that this journey has a purpose. Our faith, our family, and our community have given us hope and strength as we navigate this challenge.


Although our baby is not due to arrive until March, Krista and I feel called to begin this journey now—laying the foundation for hope and progress so that when our baby enters the world, they can join us in riding this wave of momentum. We believe wholeheartedly that this child will defy the odds in their own remarkable way, inspiring all who meet them. With that belief driving us, we are determined to honor our baby by sharing our story and striving to make a meaningful impact in our community.


For the past eight years, I’ve run a charity golf outing, an event that started small but has grown into something much larger than we ever imagined. What was once a fun gathering of friends has now become an opportunity to make a true impact. This year, in light of everything we are going through, this golf outing will take on a much deeper meaning.


Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, through its Spina Bifida clinic, is doing incredible work. Their efforts in research, care, and support are offering hope to families like ours who are navigating this challenge. We want to honor our baby’s journey by giving back to this clinic—by raising funds, awareness, and ultimately contributing to the work they’re doing to advance research and treatment options.


But we can’t do this alone. We need your help. 


If you feel moved to donate, we would be so grateful. Your support will go directly to Cincinnati Children's Spina Bifida Clinic helping families like ours and fund the research that could one day make Spina Bifida fully treatable. But even if you can’t donate, there are still ways to make a difference. You can spread the word. You can raise awareness. By sharing our story, you’ll help us build momentum and make an impact.


Together, we can change lives, offer hope to families facing Spina Bifida, and support a clinic that is making a real difference in the lives of children and families affected by this condition.

Thank you for being part of our journey. Your support means the world to us, and with your help, we can honor our baby and ensure that no family faces this diagnosis alone.

Here is a link to Cincinnati Children's Spina Bifida Center which shares other inspirational stories of hope.


Thank you to Chair Force 1 for providing the resources and platform to allow us to raise money to support our mission and help other families fighting this disease.

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